Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Choice of font

Some initial type ideas with colour

I though it might be nice to form each letter using green circles to represent the green crystals James receives in the story. I got up to the 'e' and found it very time consuming to place the circles with in each letter also I don't think it is a very effective idea.

Another key aspect of the story are the unusual insect characters. With this in mind I thought it might be interesting to try and incorporate insect shapes into the font. So i started off by tracing the grass hopper drawing and positioning it to form the dot of the letter 'I'. I have considered that the target audience is of a young reading age so it is important that the type is clear and legible. The interesting part of the title is 'Giant Peach' this is also a main figure of the story, so I have decided only to add the insects to these two works and not 'James and the'.