Thursday, 2 June 2011


The Final Major project has been a steady learning curve for me and has pushed myself to develop a design practice in unexpected ways.
At the beginning of the module, it felt like a slow start, I felt perhaps unsure of my work and how to approach the briefs, but soon after refining my contextual research and picking up the pace of my design practice I started to become more focused and enjoy it.
I think my strengths became apparent upon answering the Mogwai brief, exploring and experimenting with the possibilities of Photoshop, which I developed on and used to a confidant level in all the other briefs. Producing a piece of work that I liked boosted my motivation and confidence in my design practice. I think it was this that coursed my professionalism and standard of work produced to improve a grate deal after, such as in the ISTD and Adult book covers briefs.
To show that my design practice and illustration style can be versatile. I chose to answer a variety of different briefs for different target audiences, but all tied together with a focus on portraying an image and narrative. The briefs i chose to do this where; book cover design for two different target audiences, promotional/branding for a band, poster promotion for a film, Image as type that developed into product design. These allowed me to create a selection of designs and outcomes, very different in style and method but still illustration based and I am happy with some of the outcomes I have created. I feel throughout this FMP I have allowed myself to develop my own personal ways of working with illustration and accept using different stylistic approaches for different briefs to produce the most suitable outcomes.
Looking back at my work and seeing how I have progressed has given me confidence and the drive to do more and better work. I feel I now have a series of pieces and outcomes that will add towards my portfolio, displaying me as an illustrator/designer, but an applied illustrator who can work to many different types of briefs in a manner of different styles and techniques.
Unfortunately the outcome of the design context publication I feel does not reflect how much I have gained from researching and speaking to other designers. By reading and learning about their design practice I think has improved my skills and knowledge of the industry which is starting to reflect in my own work. Particularly in the penguin book cover brief.
Blogging regularly has helped keep myself organized and see the progression of my work I have been consistent particularly with the design context.
My biggest weakness was the lack of decision making about the design directions of each brief up until April. It was time pressure that coursed me to finally pick and stick to design solutions for each brief. Although type layout and photography are not my main strengths I am very aware they are needed to be a graphic designer as I have used them in every brief. I am using them more and in doing so I feel more confidant, particularly with photography, which I have come to find can create new possibilities in my work.
Looking back this module has helped me see my strengths and highlight what areas I still need to improve. It has helped me become more confident in my design skills, which I'm happier with now since my lack of confidence in my design practice I feel has held me back.
I feel I have pushed my designs and worked well towards the end of this module, and the course and finally feel more confident in my design abilities and how my design practice may be applied in a commercial industry.